12.00 cm
Usually about 10cm
Peaceful Central American cichlid that likes to be with other peaceful cichlids and can exist with some tetras and barbs.
70.00 L
90.00 cm x 37.00 cm
22.0 C - 28.0 C
Ph 7-8
Hardness 20°H
Use a sand substrate , some planting to hide in is appreciated with a slow to moderate flow. Strong lighting is not required nor appreciated.
Egg-layer (Parental Care)
Male will fertilize eggs that the female lays on smooth stones. Both parents fan eggs. Eggs take about 2 days to hatch
300 fry
Raise water temp above 82 degrees and ph 7.0
Move fry away from parents after hatching and feed baby brine shrimp. Adults will eat fry