4.00 cm
75.00 L
18.0 C - 22.0 C
pH range: 5.8 - 7.2
From Fishbase:
10 fry
Water changes
Not a prolific spawner. Best kept in cooler water (19 - 21'C). Eggs are fairly large & are usually found near the surface in floating mops & vegetation. Incubation in water takes 2 - 3 weeks but experiments with semi-dry storing have also shown limited success (probably no more than 3 weeks).
Food for the fry should be newly hatched brine shrimp & microworm but I always prefer to start them on infusoria for the first few days.
Growth rate is fairly slow with the first colours showing through after 3 months & maturity occurring at 6 months. The first signs of males is a red sub-marginal band which appears on the un-paired fins.
Young fish are reported not to breed until they reach 6 months of age.
A letter accompanying fish sent to me in the early '80's said they had been bred in pH 7.0. Brown mops were used. Eggs layed before the parents reached 6 months of age were infertile.