25.40 cm
This fish can get up to 12" sometimes more.
Aggressive, Semi-aggressive
Can go with other similar South American cichlids
Insectivore, Piscivore
283.88 L
23.9 C - 26.7 C
Also a species bred often in aquaria, captive-bred varieties are not picky on water parameters as long as the water is clean and warm. A 55 gallon can be used if the oscar is the only fish or as a grow-out tank but generally 75 gallons is a better minimum.
Egg-layer (Parental Care)
Female will spawn on a rock, both parents will guard the eggs and fry
1000 fry
Water changes, good diet
Female will lay up to 3000 eggs, fry are self sufficient with the help of the parents, just make sure to feed food small enough for them to eat.