17.78 cm
7” is a fairly average adult size for this species, however there are exceptions where this species may grow slightly larger. Males being larger than females.
This species, like most cichlids has a bit of a temper. However, for a North/Central American species of cichlid, these do quite well in a community type setting cichlids of similar size, large live bearers and schooling fish. Generally speaking, this species tends to be all bark, no bite.
Insectivore, Piscivore, Omnivore
109.77 L
76.20 cm x 30.48 cm
21.1 C - 26.7 C
Like most North and Central American cichlid species, these prefer harder water and higher PH.
They are a riverine species, so naturally with water flow comes higher oxygen levels so having good aeration and circulation is beneficial.
ph: 6.5-8.5
GH: 5-20
Nitrate: 0-40ppm but this species prefer to be in low nitrate environments.
Nitrite: 0ppm
Ammonia: 0ppm
This species was previously classified as “Thoricthys ellioti” but has since been reclassified.
They are generally easy going, do well in groups provided they have enough space and generally play well with other species of fish.
In the wild, this is about the closest you’ll get to a Northern Geophagus. They have long downward pointed snouts adapted for sifting through sand to find food.
Egg-layer (Parental Care)
Will lay eggs in caves and flat surfaces. Once a pair has formed they will start cleaning their chosen spawning surface where the female will deposit her eggs and the male will follow close behind fertilizing them. Both parents take part in protecting and raising the fry.
200 fry
In captivity they will breed year round. Doing a cold water change, feeding extra protein and catching them during a rain storm when the barometric pressure is high may help trigger them to spawn.
Like most cichlids, their fry are fairly easy to raise.
They will thrive well on baby brine shrimp, powdered food and any other micro organisms you can supply them.
Fry are particularly sensitive to water quality, so be sure to keep the water clean and circulated.