Amatitlania (subgenus Bussingius)
15.00 cm
Size listed is max size for males. Males generally plateau in growth around 8-10 cm, but will grow larger if more space is provided. Females do not grow past 8 cm.
Semi-aggressive, Community, Species-only
Generally peaceful, will kill smaller fish during breeding, but will not kill eachother. Generally not compatible with other cichlids as they cannot keep up with aggression at higher levels, best kept species only.
Insectivore, Herbivore, Omnivore
76.00 L
60.00 cm x 30.00 cm
18.0 C - 25.0 C
pH: 7-8.3
GH: 5-8
Will die at higher temperatures.
Sexually matures at about 2 years of age. Namesake yellow coloration is intensified during breeding, species is idly a dull yellow/green/grey coloration. Males can get green "beards" with maturity in place of the typical blue throat coloration seen in other Amatitlania. Pairs generally produce 50-200 eggs. Does not spawn as frequently as other Amatitlania. Expect as little as one or two spawns a year. Pair will guard fry up to 1 cm. Pair will tolerate older fry and spawn in the same tank as them.
Egg-layer (Parental Care)
Female tends to eggs while male guards entrance of the cave and territory. Prefers caves with vertically oriented openings.
200 fry
Water changes
Fry are extremely sensitive to changes in their environment, stress, and are susceptible to wasting diseases if a constant supply of food/grazing is not available. Mature tank is recommended for successful rearing.
Good videos (one in natural habitat) demonstrating fry care behavior.