4.50 cm
Males can grow to about 5 cm, females generally stay about 2.5-3 cm
Aggressive, Semi-aggressive, Other
Most aggressive when breeding, will do anything to keep other fish away from their fry.
60.00 L
60.00 cm x 30.00 cm
24.0 C - 30.0 C
pH: ideally 7.5 to 8.5, but mine do great and are breeding at about 7. Prefer harder water.
Shell dwellers will completely redo any aquascape that you build. They should have a thick layer of sand (7cm+) to make their 'nest' in. They will move this sand constantly until satisfied. Tank mates that have worked for me are wrestling halfbeaks and, if the tank is tall enough, most rainbowfish work well too.
Egg-layer (Parental Care)
Mature females will attract males to a chosen snail shell. The female will lay her eggs inside and the male will fertilize them from just outside the shell. After this, the female will guard the eggs and later fry, while the male guards the general area keeping other fish away.
10 fry
A healthy environment and possibly a water change with slightly cooler water. Mine spawned on their own once they were comfortable. This took about a month or so.
Should readily take finely crushed flakes once free-swimming.