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Mikrogeophagus altispinosus Not Evaluated

Bolivian ram







10.00 cm

Max size for both sexes as far as I know. Females may be a bit smaller, about 10 cm.


Semi-aggressive, Community

Will quarrel with eachother, and will be territorial during spawning, but generally does not cause lethal damage to other fish.


Insectivore, Omnivore

Tank Size

76.00 L

75.00 cm x 30.00 cm


21.0 C - 28.0 C


Not particular about parameters.



Other Information

Essentially a tiny Geophagus. Is more of a sand picker as opposed to a sand sifter, but exhibits most of the same behaviors. Social, and prefers to spawn on flat surfaces. Only other difference in behavior is the fact that they are not mouthbrooders. Various undefined "strains" can be found in captivity, all with the same color palette, but different distribution of said colors. Some have more red on their fins, others have more green, some have more orange on the body or head, others have more green. Some have more iridescent patterning on their fins, others do not. Some also have two dots on the body as opposed to one. Males will generally be bigger, have longer streamers on their tails, and the black on their dorsal fins will go back further than females (it will make a sort of spoon shape).


Spawning Method

Egg-layer (Parental Care)

Pair will dig pits until they uncover a flat surface. This is the preferred method of spawning, as eggs will be laid on the rock inside the pit, and fry will be kept in the pit until they become free swimming. If a flat rock cannot be found, they will lay eggs nearby the pit and move wrigglers in upon hatching.

Spawn Size

200 fry

Breeding Season or Trigger

Live foods

Fry Care

Fry are large enough to be fed baby brine shrimp and grow fast. Just as hardy as their parents.



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A captive bred male. Image Credit: @encichlopedia
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males quarreling. Image Credit: @encichlopedia
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a captive bred male. Image Credit: @encichlopedia
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males quarreling. Image Credit: @encichlopedia
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a captive bred male. Image Credit: @encichlopedia
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a captive bred male. Image Credit: @encichlopedia
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a captive bred male. Image Credit: @encichlopedia
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a pair quarreling. Image Credit: @encichlopedia
