30.00 cm
most commonly seen between 5 and 15cm, but should eventually grow much larger if housed and kept properly.
Peaceful, Community
Herbivore, Omnivore
500.00 L
120.00 cm x 90.00 cm
15.0 C - 30.0 C
pH: 6.5-8 Goldfish can live in just about any water parameters. They are also able to over-winter in a pond even if it freezes over. This is not the same for 'fancy' goldfish such as orandas, ranchus, etc. They cannot handle colder temperatures.
Native to Asia and some of Europe, but have become extremely invasive many other places around the world.
males will chase females, preferably into a spawning mop or thick plants. They will lay the eggs, after which the adults or eggs can be removed.
300 fry
A cool water change and plenty of food.