25.00 cm
Grows extremely slow, given enough time and space, males can hit 25 cm. Both sexes generally stop around 15-20 cm.
Will eat smaller fish sometimes. Will fight with eachother and other cichlids over territory, but not to the point that they can't be kept with other cichlids.
Insectivore, Piscivore
152.00 L
90.00 cm x 45.00 cm
10.0 C - 29.0 C
Prefers to hang around densely planted areas. I have observed them in loose groups. They can handle an extremely wide range of temperatures, and benefit from a "winter" period. Can overwinter in areas that don't freeze in the winter. "Summer" for them should be around 28C. Colors up and spawns in the spring. Spawns are extremely large, 500 fry would be a very conservative estimate. I have seen clouds of fry occupy every square inch of space in a standard 20 tall. Idly very skittish, but trust can be gained easily through hand feedings.
Egg-layer (Parental Care)
Seems to prefer spawning in confined spaces where only a member of the opposite sex is present. I have observed them spawning in clearings of plants near the banks of ponds. Does not seem particular about spawning surface.
500 fry
Warming up after cold period
Fry are slow growing, but not picky about food. Expect 1-2" of growth in a year.