15.00 cm
Males can allegedly reach 15 cm, though 8-12 cm is more typical. Females are slightly smaller,
Semi-aggressive, Community
Somewhat aggressive to conspecifics. Non conspecifics are left alone.
Insectivore, Piscivore, Herbivore, Omnivore
75.00 L
75.00 cm x 30.00 cm
21.0 C - 36.0 C
Capable of making a low knocking noise for communication. Does full body shakes while angling the body a bit sideways as a courtship display. Typically found in rivers, though some populations can be found in ponds when isolated during the dry season. These populations rapidly populate their ponds before the rain season disperses the population over floodplains/back into the main river.
Egg-layer (Parental Care)
Spawns on flat open surfaces. Female tends to eggs while male guards territory.
500 fry
Dry season/warmer water.
Fry grow fast and are not particular about diet.