82.00 cm
Largest male on record is allegedly 82 cm. Females stay around 40-45 cm, though males also plateau around 60 cm.
Actively piscivorous, very aggressive/territorial.
Piscivore, Other
1135.00 L
240.00 cm x 90.00 cm
23.0 C - 28.0 C
pH around 8.
Allegedly its own species, distinct from the blue umbees of Colombia and the umbees of Venezuela, but not from the black umbees of Colombia. Due to the type locality of K. umbriferum belonging to the green population, the green umbee keeps the name umbriferum. Temps run higher in the dry season. Females turn a bright yellow/lime green with black fins when breeding. Their great size often attracts aquarists who want a large colorful fish, and as such overfeed them to get them to reach such sizes as fast as possible. Great care should be taken when selecting diets, as most individuals of the genus succumb to premature deaths as a result of obesity related complications. Males are green with dark/transparent speckled fins, females have a lighter body color with solid colored fins (black in dorsal, anal and pelvic fins).
Egg-layer (Parental Care)
Female tends to eggs and fry while male guards her/the territory.
2000 fry
Spawns near the end of the dry season, likely rains trigger spawning.
Fry grow fast and can be fed on high protein diets.