15.00 cm
Maxes out at around 6"
May be aggressive to significantly smaller fish or conspecifics, but aggression is mitigated when kept in groups.
Omnivore, Other
151.00 L
90.00 cm x 45.00 cm
18.0 C - 30.0 C
pH of 6.0-8.0. Not picky about conditions, however.
Happiest when kept in groups of 1 male to a few females. This both reduces/dissipates aggression, and allows for the viewing of social behaviors. The male will dance for the females, and all members of the group will "chat" using their feelers. Most wild forms are brown or gold, with gold forms being found further north into their range, but blue ones can be found in Sumatra. Males will often have more orange on their anal fins, and have pointed dorsal fins that they usually hold closed. Females will have rounded dorsal fins which they idly hold open. Wild individuals are rarely imported, especially the brown form, however the brown coloration (also known as "lavender" in the aquarium trade given their purple hue as juveniles) can be achieved by breeding the domestic gold form with the domestic blue form. These domestic "lavenders" will not breed true however, as they will produce gold and blue fry (on top of lavender fry).
Bubble Nester
Male builds a bubble nest and his coloration darkens. Female has no part in raising eggs/fry.
9000 fry
Lower pH.
Will spawn at any temperature within their tolerance range, but a pH lower than 6.5 is required. Brood size ranges from 200 to 9000 eggs depending on size of female and conditioning.