15.00 cm
Can max out at around 6".
Peaceful, Community
Generally peaceful.
151.00 L
90.00 cm x 45.00 cm
17.0 C - 28.0 C
pH of 5.0-8.2.
Males will have thicker/more yellow pectoral spines. Other than that there is no sexual dimorphism. An albino form is available in the hobby, and is becoming ever popular. Prefers to be kept with conspecifics. More is inherently better, but a pair suffices.
Bubble Nester
Sexual maturity is reached around 2 years of age, and males form bubble nests in calm water. Rain triggers spawning naturally, but in captivity, a large/cool waterchange will suffice.
200 fry
Lower pH and simulated "rain"
Fry are free swimming a week after hatching and grow (on average) 1 cm a month in ideal conditions. Can be fed any live food until they are large/accustomed to feedings enough to take dry foods.