Psalidodon (formerly Hyphessobrycon)
10.00 cm
Can max out to around 4", but generally stays around 2.5-3".
Semi-aggressive, Community
Generally a good community fish, but fish smaller than 1 cm, as well as plants should be avoided. Not good as a dither for spawning cichlids either, as they will readily attack nests and eradicate entire batches of fry.
151.00 L
90.00 cm x 45.00 cm
15.0 C - 30.0 C
Prefers to be in large schools, will pick off smaller or weaker individuals. As of 2020 they were placed into the genus Psalidodon, along with various former members of the genus Astyanax. Like their formerly Astyanax relatives, they have a tendency/inclination to raid cichlid nests. Large schools keep even the most prolific Amatitlania having to replace their fry every few weeks. Given their southern range, they can tolerate a wide variety of temperatures. Females are generally larger bodied than males. While it isn't exactly confirmed, I personally think the sexes can be distinguished by the shape of their anal fin, as the larger individuals (presumably females) have more skirt like/flat edged anal fins, whereas the "males" have hooked anal fins.
Like most egg scatterers, they spawn in the morning as the sun rises. Eggs are (ideally) scattered around masses of vegetation (or simulated vegetation), though they can be scattered randomly in open water. Eggs are photosensitive and cannot be exposed to light for the few days it takes them to hatch and become free swimming.
2000 fry
Lower pH, conditioning with high protein foods, and sunrise.
Fry can eat baby brine shrimp upon becoming free swimming, grow extremely fast, and have low mortality rates.