2.50 cm
Maxes out at around 1".
Peaceful, Community
76.00 L
75.00 cm x 30.00 cm
24.0 C - 28.0 C
Tolerates anything over a pH of 5.5.
Schools tightly, even without the presence of predators. Fast moving and taller bodied, so even given their small size, they aren't as easy to swallow as Paracheirodon sp., and are thus seemingly regarded as "off the menu" by fish that would make attempts at eating Paracheirodon sp.. Shows a spectacular array of colors as adults, which is even more accentuated at certain light angles.
Like most egg scatterers, they spawn in the morning as the sun rises. Eggs are (ideally) scattered around masses of vegetation (or simulated vegetation), though they can be scattered randomly in open water. Eggs are photosensitive and cannot be exposed to light for the few days it takes them to hatch and become free swimming. Eggs may need methylene blue to prevent the growth of fungus.
100 fry
Simulated rain triggers spawning in larger breeding setups, but a drop in pH simulating the washing of tannins (and of course rainwater) downstream is enough to trigger spawning.
Fry can eat baby brine shrimp upon becoming free swimming and grow relatively fast. Good survivability from fry that do hatch. Grows about half an inch a month without direct feedings (grazing on microorganisms and algae).
Spawn size and subsequently mortality rates are currently unknown.