10.00 cm
Both sexes typically max out at roughly 3", but females can gain an extra inch.
Semi-aggressive, Community
Can be somewhat aggressive with conspecifics and will eat both their own fry and the fry of other fish.
114.00 L
75.00 cm x 30.00 cm
21.0 C - 30.0 C
pH of 7.5-8.5, high hardness.
Both sexes get the blue sheen on their bodies, and males develop large red dorsal fins. Allegedly will not eat fry, but I have heard and experienced otherwise, so I would subsequently, not risk it. Benefits from being outside for coloration and feeding purposes given their grazing nature.
Livebearer, dropping around (or over) 50 fry around once a month, in ideal conditions.
50 fry
Presence of dense vegetation, warmer water, and higher pH/hardness.
Fry should ideally be kept away from their parents and other tank mates until they are large enough to not get eaten. Fry will take flakes immediately and are typically born free swimming. Moderate growth rate.