15.20 cm
This is the size of adult discus
Peaceful to other fish but aggressive to each other
283.00 L
121.92 cm x 45.72 cm
25.6 C - 30.0 C
They are known for being picky about clean water, and the juveniles release growth inhibiting hormones that can stunt their growth and other juvenile's growth if the water is not changed frequently enough
This species comes in all sorts of beautiful varieties both wild-caught and captive-bred. They are relatively expensive compared to other fish, and their size varies greatly depending on the water quality during the first year or so of growth.
Egg-layer (Parental Care)
Spawning usually takes place on a flat vertical surface
300 fry
Winter or rainy months
After 10-14 days with the parents, fries are moved to 37.854 -113.562 liter tanks. They are fed multiple times throughout the day for fast growth rate. About 10-20% water change are done daily after last meal.