40.00 cm
More commonly grow to around 20cm.
Not particularly aggressive, but these archerfish have a very large mouth. So be careful not to put them with smaller fish.
Insectivore, Omnivore
750.00 L
180.00 cm x 50.00 cm
10.0 C - 35.0 C
pH: 6-7.5, whatever it is, keep it consistent and the archerfish should be very hardy.
Not to be confused with banded archerfish (toxotes jaculatrix). Toxotes jaculatrix has less only 4-5 stripes, and all of the stripes are very clear. The seven-spot archerfish (toxotes chatareus) has 6-7 stripes, and every second stripe is shorter and only appears towards the top of the body.
Website with better examples:,to%20the%20correct%20species%20cluster.
Very difficult to spawn. A mature male and female will embrace at the surface, where they will release 20,000-150,000 eggs. These eggs will float to the surface and hatch within 12 hours.
30000 fry
Rain ending the dry season. This can be replicated in an aquarium or pond by doing a water change with slightly cooler water.
After hatching, the fry can be fed baby brine shrimp and I would assume very finely crushed up flakes. The first archerfish that I got was about 1cm long and took to crushed up flakes and Xtreme nano pellets immediately.