3.50 cm
A very large specimen may get to 4cm.
Peaceful, Community
Ricefish should never cause any problems in an aquarium.
20.00 L
30.00 cm x 20.00 cm
10.0 C - 30.0 C
pH: 6-7.5, just keep it consistent. Ricefish are very adaptable, being able to overwinter in a pond, even if it freezes over. During this period, they won't need food and won't be very active at all. Most of the time though, keep the temperature consistent, somewhere between 10 and 30 degrees Celsius, and they should be fine.
Eggs are produced every few days. Female ricefish will carry the 5-15 eggs under her tail, and they will stick onto plants or spawning mops as she swims through them. Depending on the temperature, the eggs hatch within 3-10 days. The warmer the temperature, the sooner they hatch.
10 fry
A healthy environment, slightly warmer temperatures, and a good mix of males and females.
Feed the fry crushed-up flakes, or if you want to get fancy they should take baby brine shrimp or other small live foods. If you want to be lazy, then put them in a seasoned tank with plenty of gunk (detritus) and they should be just fine.