30.00 cm
Semi-aggressive, Peaceful, Community
Generally peaceful, but males will fight (looks like they are kissing) to establish hierarchy.
300.00 L
180.00 cm x 40.00 cm
23.0 C - 30.0 C
pH: 6.5-7.5, keep it stable and they won't really care once they are used to it.
Kissing gouramis are very slow growers so they can be housed in a smaller tank for a while. Eventually they should get to around 30cm though and will require a very large tank.
Like many gouramis and bettas, kissing gouramis will wrap around each other, releasing the eggs and sperm. Afterwards, the eggs will float to the surface where they will stay until they hatch.
1000 fry
Soft, acidic water and live foods.