20.00 cm
Males can reach 20 cm, females likely stop around 10-12 cm.
Semi-aggressive, Community
Aggressive with conspecifics. Males do not seem to tolerate eachother. Males will also be aggressive with females when spawns fail or when females are unwilling to breed.
Herbivore, Omnivore
152.00 L
90.00 cm x 45.00 cm
20.0 C - 28.0 C
Higher pH, harder water.
Generally a rock dweller, and generally skittish. One of the contributing factors as to why they are not common in the hobby is because they are extremely good at hiding in rocks, making them hard to collect. Otherwise common in the wild, filling the generalist "panfish" niche. Only two locales are available in the U.S, being the Lago Izabel locale and the Rio Sarstun locale. The Rio Sarstun locale is commonly sold under the name "chetumalensis", however a 2016 study by Rican et al. synonymized chetumalensis with spilurus, as DNA tests did not support chetumalensis being a valid species. This however, was only confirmed in an email with Rican himself, but otherwise could not be found in the paper based on the study.
Can tolerate a wide range of parameters and temperatures, but will only spawn in warmer temperatures, on the higher end of its range.
Egg-layer (Parental Care)
Male guards territory while female tends eggs and fry. Will spawn as soon as they stop caring for their previous batch.
200 fry
Warm water
Fry are not picky about food, and grow relatively slow.