5.00 cm
Maxes out around 5 cm, though 4 is more typical.
Semi-aggressive, Community
Semi aggressive to conspecifics. Fish that are too large to be eaten are left alone.
75.00 L
75.00 cm x 30.00 cm
22.0 C - 26.0 C
A pH of 7 or below is preferred.
Mildly aggressive with conspecifics, but other tankmates will be left alone, to the point that schooling fish will not feel the need to school around them, even when spawning. Both sexes can possess dorsal ocelli, making sexing difficult. Allowing pairs to form naturally out of groups is likely the best way to obtain a breeding pair.
Egg-layer (Parental Care)
Typical substrate spawning cichlid fashion, females tend to eggs while male guards her. Eggs are laid on flat/open surfaces, such as rocks, driftwood, leaves, or large sticks.
400 fry
Not particular about spawning conditions though simulated rain can trigger finicky pairs.
Fry are extremely small but not finicky about food, and like most acaras, grow relatively slow.